The Gold Standard

Kids are trading food in the cafeteria every day.

While we are all for kids learning about the market, we wanted to bring in some regulation.

That’s why we are introducing the Gold Standard, a Goldfish-based lunchroom economy.

Trade Value Chart

New packaging will highlight the trade value of Goldfish in the lunchroom.

QR codes will direct consumers to a trade calculator to help them make the right moves come lunchtime.

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Trade Calculator

Kids will be able to easily check if they’re making a good deal with a few clicks.

The calculator will take into account specialty items, such as holiday leftovers and Halloween candy, when determining the correct trade value.

Chip Aisle Takeover

Goldfish will do a complete takeover of the chip aisle in grocery stores around the country.

Flip through the slides below to see the floor decal, shelf signage and endcap display.


Goldfish will have weekly trading tips and highlights of exceptional trades.

Each video will be hosted by kids for kids.

teacher Mailers

Math teachers around the country will be sent lesson plans utilizing basic economic principles through the lens of Goldfish.